Stud Service available! We offer chilled semen to customers in the US and Canada. Our stud service is guaranteed, if your bitch does not confirm pregnancy a second stud service will be granted at no additional cost other than vet fee for collection and shipping.
Miami Blues Poster Boy
Blue Sable AY/AT d/d Ky/Ky
CMR1, DM, HUU, JHC: All Negative
Blue Sable AY/AT d/d Ky/Ky
CMR1, DM, HUU, JHC: All Negative
Miami Blues Opie Winston
Lilac Sable AY/AT d/d b/b E/e Ky/Ky N/N
Lilac Sable AY/AT d/d b/b E/e Ky/Ky N/N
Miami Blues Rocco
Blue and Tan AT/AT d/d Ky/Ky N/N
Blue and Tan AT/AT d/d Ky/Ky N/N
Miami Blues Louie
Blue Fawn Ay/Ay d/d B/b Ky/Ky N/N
Blue Fawn Ay/Ay d/d B/b Ky/Ky N/N